hafid eatery hafid omer
The Department of Psychology is one of the scientific departments included in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Badr / Zintan University, the department was established in 2001_2000 AD under the name of the Department of Psychology within the scientific departments of the Faculty of Arts, Saqr Africa University previously, after which it became a department at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Badr Departments of Arts Al-Josh University of the Western Mountain in 2004_2005 AD, and in 2018 the Department of Psychology became one of the scientific departments of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Badr, Zintan University, the department grants a bachelor's degree within four Years of schooling.
The department contributes to the preparation of scientifically qualified human cadres to cover the needs of the labor market, and seeks to develop its study programs to achieve its objectives and in line with scientific developments, by adopting plans aimed at openness and exchange of experiences with local and international universities.
Aspiring to be a pioneering and distinguished psychology program in the field of psychological research, and to contribute to the development, modernization and change of Libyan society, serving its local and regional issues, solving psychological problems and crises, and promoting psychological counseling.
The mission of the department lies in preparing specialists and researchers with high knowledge and skills in psychological research, to contribute to the development of education, drawing development plans, community service, solving psychological problems that society suffers from, upgrading society and spreading knowledge among its members, with the ability to deal with social, economic and political changes that Libyan society is going through in particular and foreseeing the future, through the use of teaching and learning strategies and modern technology in line with national and international quality standards. With a focus on practical training and field research in response to sustainable development and labor market needs.
1- Providing students with psychological and educational concepts and theories that contribute to the interpretation of societal reality.
2- Providing students with the skills of early analysis of contemporary phenomena and issues and presenting national and regional initiatives through critical and creative thinking, to anticipate new problems and issues that hinder psychological security within society.
3- Developing students' abilities and skills for the continuity of teaching, learning, communication and communication, and providing them with the values of teamwork.
4- Building basic capabilities that qualify for the completion of postgraduate studies, preparing researchers in the educational and psychological fields, and participating in scientific research that contributes to building a database and information that serves the community.
5- Preparing competencies capable of contributing to the study of psychological and educational problems such as psychological disorders and deviations, crime, unemployment, divorce, national reconciliation, and addressing and addressing negative phenomena.
6- Studying patterns of human behaviour and strengthening scientific and social relations within the Libyan state, in a way that serves the interests of the homeland and the citizen and contributes to keeping pace with the developments of the times.
7- Studying the general principles and pillars on which psychological life is based, analysing the parts of the individual's personality and patterns of human behavior and knowing its impact on the individual, society and all political, social, economic and religious institutions.
8- Enabling students to employ the results of reports, research and psychological studies, diagnose various societal problems and issues, provide solutions to them, and develop plans to address them to make a qualitative leap in the life and development of society.